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VictoryXR Professional Development

VictoryXR Professional Development

Regular price $299.00
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VictoryXR Professional Development

Memorable and Measurable: Performance Assessment in Spatial Education - This professional development program explores how VR/spatial learning provides invaluable authentic scenarios for the delivery of performance assessments; the truest indicators of knowledge retention and application. Designed for educators by educators, discover best practices for leveraging immersive technologies into any curriculum.
  • Learn to teach in a synchronous, virtual reality classroom environment using VictoryXR’s educational assets.
  • Created by our Education Team, this Professional Development emphasizes the importance of spatial learning based on the most up-to-date educational research
  • Earn your Spatial Learning Micro Certificate in less than three hours!
  • For VictoryXR Annual License Subscribers, the professional development series is offered at no cost. The cost for non-subscribers is $299. All training materials are included in the cost.


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